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Linked Hypernyms Dataset


This page presents experimental results that demonstrate the coverage as well as the quality of the datasets. The creation of the Linked Hypernym Dataset comprises of two steps: hypernym discovery, which returns a plain text hypernym from a Wikipedia article, and hypernym disambiguation, which resolves the plain text hypernym to a DBpedia resource or DBpedia Ontology class. Below, we present results for the individual phases of this process, as well as the evaluation of the resulting Linked Hypernym Dataset

Overall accuracy (available only for selected partitions)

Accuracy estimates are provided for selected paritions (subdatasets) of the Linked Hypernyms Dataset. From each subdataset, on 1000 articles randomly selected a human annotator evaluated whether the type assigned to the entity is correct. Wilson confidence intervals are also reported.

Each evaluation was performed on a randomly drawn sample of 1000 documents. The accuracy values are supplemented by Wilson confidence interval.
Datasets with accuracy estimate
Dataset English Accuracy
Type DBpedia ontology class, not redundant w.r.t. DBpediant stat 0.82 +- 2%
- subset with YAGO Exact Matchnt stat 0.994 [0.99;1]
- subset with YAGO No Typent stat 0.91 +- 2%
- subset with no match with YAGOnt stat 0.90 +- 2%
Type is DBpedia resource, not redundant w.r.t. DBpediant stat 0.83 +- 2%
- subset with YAGO Exact Matchnt stat 0.86 +- 2%
- subset with YAGO No Typent stat 0.82 +- 2%
- subset with no match with YAGOnt stat 0.77 +- 2.5%
Type is DBpedia ontology class, DBpedia assigns no typent stat 0.94 +- 2%
- subset with YAGO Exact Matchnt stat 0.95 +- 2%
- subset with YAGO No Typent stat 0.88 +- 2%
- subset with YAGO No Typent stat 0.93 +- 2%

The accuracy readings in the table above include a combined error of hypernym discovery, and disambiguation of the hypernym to a DBpedia URI. A separate evaluation of the contribution of these two error sources is covered below.

