Targeted Hypernym Discovery



Getting started with the is easy. Check out the documentation of the API version 1 and version 2 (recommended). You can use our API to perform the same NER tasks as our Web application - named entity recognition, entity disambiguation and linking (using DBpedia URIs) or classification (with DBpedia and/or YAGO Ontology types).
Even more, you can use our GATE plugin to process documents in the GATE text engineering framework.

REST API version 2.0

The most recent version of the REST API.

REST API version 1.0 (deprecated)

Version 1.0 of the REST API is still available. However, we recommend migration to version 2.0.

API Rate Limits

All API requests are subject to rate limits applied to your API key. We apply rate-limits on a 24 hours basis - 1 day windows. With the FREE option you can make up to 10.000 requests per day. If you need larger quota feel free to contact us.
You can check you API rate limits by submitting GET request at{apikey} and looking at the following HTTP response headers.

Header Name Example Value Description
X-Rate-Limit-Limit 10000 The number of allowed requests in time window (e.g., in 1 day window).
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining 2000 The number of requests left in the time window (e.g., in 1 day window).
X-Rate-Limit-Reset 600 The remaining time until the rate limit resets (in seconds). E.g., 600 seconds (10 minutes) until the 1 day window resests.


The REST API is secured using an API key to prevent abuse of the service. You can get an API key for FREE, just send API key request by filling the form bellow. Note that an API key is also required if you want to use the GATE plugin. If you encounter any problems, please contact Milan Dojchinovski.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This system (on-line demo and Web API) can be used ONLY for evaluation, research and teaching purposes. Any other usage of the system (in particular for commercial purposes) is not allowed. THE SYSTEM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.