Targeted Hypernym Discovery


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Gate Plugins

We have developed two plugins for the GATE framework. A Light plugin for our REST API and a Stand Alone plugin version which is not dependent on any external resources.

Heads up! If you use our plugins for scientific publication, please cite our work:
M. Dojchinovski and T. Kliegr. Real-time classification of entities in text with Wikipedia. In H. Blockeel, K. Kersting, S. Nijssen, and F. Zelezny, (eds.) Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, vol. 8190 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 654-658. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. NER Light plugin

This is a GATE plugin for the NER REST API. You can use it perform Named Entity Recognition over English, German and Dutch written texts. It is a light version of the GATE plugin. If you don't want to depend on the REST API you can use the stand-alone plugin version (see bellow). The plugin is provided as processing resource (PR) for the GATE platform.
To use this plugin you need your own API key. To request own API key, feel in the form at:

How to use is NER Stand Alone plugin

This is a GATE stand-alone plugin for the NER system. You can use it perform Named Entity Recognition over English, German and Dutch written texts. All resources you need for entity spotting, disambiguation and classification are provided with the plugin. If you want, you can use the light plugin version, which is communicating with our REST API endpoint.

How to use is

Evaluation framework

This plugin is supplemented by a GATE-based NER Evaluation framework, a collection of datasets and GATE plugins for benchmarking of THD against other wikifiers.