Czech Traveler Dataset

The Czech Traveler dataset is based on a collection of 1,276 images taken by a professional photographer during trips to Albania, Corsica, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine. These images have short textual annotations consisting of 1 to 10 words saved in images' EXIF data. Out of the annotations we extracted 103 unique annotations. The image annotations were broken into entities and these entities were assigned a label (class).

The Czech Traveler Dataset in numbers
Key metricsdownload
all images 1,276 zip (51.1 MB)
unique annotations 103
entities 186
labeled entities 184
labeled entities (to 9 classes) with inter-annotator agreement 143ods (25 KB)
unique entities 151
named entities 101
unique named entities 76
unique entities with inter-annotator agreement 113
entities for which not even the head was mapped to WordNet 47
unique entities for which not even the head was mapped to WordNet 41
entities for which not even the head was mapped to WordNet among the 143 entities with inter-annotator agreemen 30